Monday, March 18, 2013

Bersani succeeded in getting his candidates elected as speakers of the lower house and Senate

Italian president urges unity as poll pressure grows

militants to withdraw from Turkey to their bases in northern Iraq.

Jailed Kurdish rebel to make "historic call" in Turkey peace process
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    ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan said he would make a "historic call" on Thursday, raising expectations of ceasefire that could help end a 28-year-old conflict which has riven Turkey, killing some 40,000 people, and battered its economy.

    Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) leader Selahattin Demirtas, a member of parliament, conveyed Ocalan's statement on his return to Istanbul from a visit to his prison on the island of Imrali.

    "We want to solve the arms problem rapidly and without losing time or another life," Ocalan said in calling for the support of parliament and political parties to achieve a lasting peace.

    The PKK is considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union as well as Turkey. But Ankara opened talks with Ocalan last October in an effort to end the conflict after a summer of rising guerrilla violence and large scale arrests of Kurdish activists.

    A ceasefire call, coinciding with the Kurdish new year, could be accompanied by a command to his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants to withdraw from Turkey to their bases in northern Iraq.

    "The statement I am preparing will be a historic call. It will contain satisfying information on the military and political dimensions of a solution," Ocalan said.

    Ocalan began talks with state officials last October last year. Truces have been agreed and failed before in the war, but this is the first time Ocalan and a Turkish prime minister have openly spoken of talks on a comprehensive settlement.

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has made a number of concessions on cultural and language rights as part of his efforts to bring a settlement.

    The PKK had originally demanded full independence for a Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey, but has moderated its goals to broader political and cultural autonomy.

    (Edited by Ralph Boulton)

    (Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Louise Ireland)

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  • the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.8 percent at 6

    Cyprus deposit tax rattles markets

    LONDON (AP) — Stocks around the world fell sharply Monday as investors fretted over a weekend plan to tax depositors in Cypriot banks as part of a bailout of the Mediterranean island nation.

    Though Cyprus accounts for only around 0.2 percent of the combined output of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro, the tax on depositors has stoked fears of bank runs in other troubled European economies.

    Since the European debt crisis began in late 2009, savers have been spared. The bailout of Cyprus, agreed to early Saturday, foresees a 6.75 percent levy on deposits below €100,000 ($130,860) rising to 9.9 percent on those above.

    "In the medium term the decision taken regarding the loss on bank deposits could have major ramifications for the eurozone if the European debt crisis re-escalates," said Gary Jenkins, managing director of Swordfish Research. "What I find most surprising is that they are prepared to take such a major gamble to save such a small amount of money."

    In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.8 percent at 6,439 while Germany's DAX fell 1.1 percent to 7,954. The CAC-40 in France was 1.3 percent lower at 7,945. Cyprus' stock exchange is closed for a bank holiday.

    The euro was taking a pounding too, down 0.7 percent at $1.2954.

    People in Cyprus have reacted with fury to the news and the country's new president is apparently working out a new plan to be put to Parliament that will limit the hit on small depositors. Parliament is due to vote on the bailout later. If it backs the levy, then Cyprus would be eligible for a €10 billion ($13 billion) financial rescue from its partners in the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund.

    German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Sunday that a no vote by Cypriot lawmakers would have huge repercussions in the country.

    "Then the Cypriot banks will no longer be solvent, and Cyprus will be in a very difficult situation," said Schaeuble, who insisted that every country involved in Europe's debt crisis is different. In the case of Cyprus, he said bank owners and investors had to participate in the rescue.

    "It can't be done any other way if we want to avoid insolvency," he said.

    Cyprus' banking sector is about eight times the size of the economy and has been accused of being a hub for money-laundering, particularly from Russia. That's why many European officials wanted to have the banks' depositors involved in the cost of the bailout.

    "If European policymakers were looking for a way to undermine the public trust that underpins the foundation of any banking system they could not have done a better job," said Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

    In Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 index slid 2.7 percent to 12,220.63, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 2 percent to 22,082.83.

    Wall Street was headed for a retreat at the open too, with Dow futures down 0.5 percent and the broader S&P 500 futures 0.8 percent lower.

    Oil prices were under pressure, with the benchmark New York rate 94 cents lower at $92.51 a barrel.


    Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this report.

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     ソ連時代の1963年6月16日、ワレンチナ・テレシコワ(Valentina Tereshkova)さんは世界初の女性宇宙飛行士として宇宙へ飛び立った。それから今年で50年目になる。ソ連時代の2人目の女性宇宙飛行士はスベトラーナ・サビツカヤ(Svetlana Savitskaya)さんで、女性として初めて宇宙遊泳を行った。

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    同グループの創始者である馬雲(ジャック・マー)氏は5月10日にCEOを退任するが、董事局主席は継続する,モンクレール moncler 防衛装備品、進む国際開発 日英が化学防護服で合意へ 武器輸出三原則の緩和を踏まえ、防衛装備品の国際開発・生産の流れが加速してきた




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     一方、BRN側が交渉に応じた背景として、消息筋は「多くの武装組織によるテロが頻発する中で、BRNの存在感が薄れ、政府から利権を確保するという狙いがある」と分析する,R4i GOLD PLUS ちんじゅかん

     武装組織のメンバーの一部はマレーシアに逃げ込んでおり、署名したBRN幹部自身もマレーシアに足場を置いているという。こうした状況を改善し、タイとの経済流通ルートの安定を確保するためにも、マレーシアは仲介に入ったとみられる。【関連記事】 タイ南部で爆発、3人死亡 イスラム武装勢力か 武装グループ、軍の基地を襲撃 銃撃戦で17人死亡 タイ 居座るイスラム教徒、苦慮する比・マレーシア-北ボルネオ問題膠着 アルジェリア人質事件で追悼式開催 イスラム勢力が犯行認める ナイジェリアの外国人誘拐 中国にノーベル賞は無理?

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    3DSマジコン 【その他の写真を見る】

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    「バイバイ ハッピーデイズ!」は昨年10月発売の「エレクトリックボーイ」以来約5カ月ぶりのシングル。今回も初回限定盤A、B、Cの3種類が用意される,HDDベイの下にも5インチベイが2つある。初回盤AのDVDは表題曲のビデオクリップを、初回盤BのDVDはアルバム「ガールズ フォーエバー」収録曲「オリオン」のビデオクリップをフィーチャーした内容で、初回盤CはCDのみとなるがボーナストラックとして韓国語曲「Beautiful Night」が追加収録される。

    また、映像作品「KARASIA 2013 HAPPY NEW YEAR in TOKYO DOME」は、今年1月6日に行われた東京ドーム公演の模様を収めたもの。韓国女性グループとして初の快挙となったこの東京ドーム単独ライブでは、大ヒット曲「ミスター」「ジャンピン」「ジェットコースターラブ」「GO GO サマー!」や最新シングル「エレクトリックボーイ」のほか、韓国で大ヒットした「LUPIN」「STEP」などを含むKARAのベストセレクションとも言えるライブパフォーマンスが実現した。DVD、Blu-rayともに初回限定盤は当日の舞台裏に密着したオフショット映像付き。【関連記事】 「U-EXPRESS LIVE」、キム・ヒョンジュンの出演決定 「U-EXPRESS LIVE」のオープニングアクトにMs,ビームス モンクレール 全文は、jp.wsj.comへ.OOJAら ユニバーサルミュージックライブにPerfumeも出演決定 リンゴ・スター、ドリカム、KARAらが3月幕張で豪華競演 KARA写真集でセクシーショット初公開、初ワンマンDVDも

    ipad2 ケース キティ 2013年4月12日

    SPYAIR新体制初ツアー「サクラミツツキ」名古屋で開幕SPYAIRの現体制で初となる全国ツアー「SPYAIR TOUR 2013 サクラミツツキ」が、昨日3月11日に幕を開けた。


    昨年12月の日本武道館ライブを最後にDJ ENZEL☆が脱退し、4人体制となったSPYAIR,は27日、第13週が終了し、西カンファレンスは南西地区のスパーズが8連勝で首位をキープした。心機一転迎えた今回のツアーは、インディーズ時代から何度も出演している愛知のライブハウス、名古屋ell. FITS ALLがスタート地点となった。IKE(Vo)はファンに向けて「ここまで来れたのは応援してくれているみんなのおかげだと思ってる。もっとライブや楽曲制作でみんなに俺らの音楽を届けていくから、これからもついてきてほしい!」とメッセージを送った,iphone5 ケース ランキング Firefox Disable Default PDF Viewer / Plugin

    明日3月13日発売の最新シングル「サクラミツツキ」を携えて行われる今回のツアーは、名古屋ell. FITS ALL 2DAYSを皮切りに、5月3日の東京・Zepp Tokyoまで計13公演を予定。なお明日にはシングルと同時にライブDVD「SPYAIR LIVE at 武道館 2012」もリリースされるので、ツアー会場に足を運ぶ人はこのDVDで予習をしておこう。

    SPYAIR TOUR 2013 サクラミツツキ

    2013年3月11日(月)愛知県 名古屋ell.FITS ALL(終了)
    2013年3月12日(火)愛知県 名古屋ell.FITS ALL ※チケット完売
    2013年3月16日(土)神奈川県 横浜ベイホール ※チケット完売
    2013年3月17日(日)神奈川県 横浜ベイホール
    2013年3月31日(日)大阪府 Zepp Namba
    2013年4月12日(金)福岡県 福岡DRUM LOGOS
    2013年4月14日(日)香川県 高松MONSTER
    2013年4月19日(金)広島県 広島CLUB QUATTRO
    2013年4月21日(日)愛知県 Zepp Nagoya ※チケット完売
    2013年4月24日(水)新潟GOLDEN PIGS BLACK STAGE
    2013年4月27日(土)北海道 札幌 PENNY LANE24
    2013年4月30日(月)宮城県 仙台CLUB JUNK BOX
    2013年5月3日(金・祝)東京都 Zepp Tokyo【関連記事】 [Power Push] SPYAIR「サクラミツツキ」インタビュー 「現状を打破していく」新生SPYAIRが明かす今後の展望 SPYAIR武道館DVD発売、4人編成での初のツアーも決定 SPYAIR、ENZEL☆脱退の初武道館ライブで1万人熱狂 SPYAIRが語るドラマ主題歌、ENZEL☆脱退、初武道館


    「消費者金融」の革新を狙う、米の新興企業たちダグラス・メリルがグーグル時代の経験を活かして考案したのは、7万もの変数を分析して借り手のデフォルトリスクを計算するアルゴリズム。より正確なリスク計算ができれば、適切なローン金利が決定できるというわけだ。LendUpのサシャ・オルロフCEO。  学生をしながらフルタイムで働いていたシングルマザーのヴィッキーはある日、新しいスノータイヤがどうしても必要になった。ギリギリの生活をしていた彼女には、思わぬ出費に対する備えがなく、そのままでは仕事を失う可能性もあった。だが、そんな彼女に幸運にも救いの手が差し伸べられた。義理の兄弟であったダグラス・メリルはグーグルの元CIOで、スノータイヤ代を肩代わりしてくれたのだった。 では、もしこのときヴィッキーに頼れる相手がいなかったら、彼女はどうなっていただろう。気になったメリル氏は彼女に聞いた。「ペイデイローン(給料を担保に提供される短期の小口ローン)に頼っていたと思う」と彼女は答えたという。 「ヴィッキーには私がいたが、頼れる相手がいない人もいる。これは不公平な話だ」。メリル氏はそう考えて、ZestFinanceを創業した。同社は、ヴィッキーのような低所得者層が利用するペイデイローンのあり方を刷新し、新たなビジネスチャンスを狙っている。 ペイデイローンの利用者は通常、信用力が低く、他のローンに頼ることができない人で、債務不履行になるリスクが高い。そのため、ペイデイローンの金利は非常に高く、悪質な業者も多いとされている。これに対し、ZestFinanceは独自のアルゴリズムで借り手のデフォルトリスクを計算し、他社に比べて大幅に低い金利を実現する技術を提供している。 メリル氏がグーグル時代の経験を活かして考案したのは、7万もの変数を分析して借り手のデフォルトリスクを計算するアルゴリズム。より正確なリスク計算ができれば、適切なローン金利が決定できるというわけだ,が3位に入った。 通常の金融業者は借り手の信用力を測る際、純収入など単純な要素に頼ることが多い。だがメリル氏によれば、そうした要素は利用者が返済するかどうかを予想する上では、まったく不十分だという。 これに対しZestFinanceでは、たとえば利用者の携帯電話番号に注目する。低所得者層にはプリペイド方式の携帯電話サーヴィスを利用する人が多いが、この番号は料金の補充が途絶えたまま一定期間が経過すると、サーヴィスが停止されてしまうため、次に利用する際には違う番号を取得することになる。つまり、借り手が1つの番号を維持していないという要素は、同社のリスク評価ではかなりネガティヴなものとなるという。こういった要素に関して、メリル氏は借り手の支払い能力ではなく、支払い意志を測るものであると話す。 ZestFinanceは現在、自社の技術をSpotLoanというオンライン金融業者にライセンスしている。300ドル~800ドルの少額ローンを取り扱うSpotLoanは、他社に比べて約50%低い金利を実現しており、ローンの回収率も非常に高いという。たとえば、あるカリフォルニア州の居住者に対して同社が貸し付けた例では、金利が330パーセント--元本300ドル(同社が貸し付ける最低金額)を含むあわせて471ドルを3ヶ月かけて返済するというのが条件だった。 それに対し、標準的なペイデイローンの貸し付け条件は、期間が14日間の場合で金利460%(期間30日の場合はその半分弱に下がる)。いずれにしても、こうした従来の業者からお金を借りると、200ドルの元本が返済期限までに235ドルにふくれあがることになる。 メリル氏はZestFinanceの貸付金利が低くはないことを認め、次のように述べている。「クレジットカードでお金を借りたり、家族から融通してもらう場合に比べれば、われわれの提供するローンは割高だ。しかし、誰もがクレジットカードを持てるわけではなく、また家族からお金を借りられるわけでもない」 LendUPというサンフランシスコのスタートアップでも、ZestFinanceと同様に、新しいタイプのローンを提供している,3種類登場時期。同社のサーシャ・オリオフCEO(上の写真)は、かつてグラミン・ファウンデーション(バングラディッシュのマイクロファイナンス)とともに少額貸付者向けのソフトウェアを開発したほか、シティグループに勤め、いわゆる本格的なファイナンスの世界も経験したという経歴の持ち主。そんなオリオフ氏が、LendUPで力を入れているのは借り手に対する高い透明性で、たとえば同社ウェブサイトにアクセスすると、借りたい金額と返済までの期間を指定するためのスライダーがまっさきに目に飛び込んでくる。このスライダーを動かして、借り入れの条件を変更することで、最終的な返済金額が一目でわかるという仕組みである。「顧客を罠にはめるのではなく、彼らによりよい価値を提供することを通してわれわれはお金を稼げる、と私はそう固く信じている」(オリオフ氏)※この翻訳は抄訳です。


    夢の車 ゼロから挑戦光岡進(みつおか・すすむ) 73歳 光岡自動車会長 幼い頃から、模型飛行機、バイクと、エンジンで動く物が好きでした。当時は珍しかった乗用車に乗りたくて、まず自動車販売会社で働き、28歳で脱サラして自動車修理業を始めました。馬小屋で出発 作業場を確保するため、電話線が引かれている土地を探したら、たまたま農家が馬小屋を貸し出していました。賃料が安いし、車も2台入る。従業員2人での出発でした。そのうち修理だけでなく、中古車も売るようになりました。 仕入れで全国を飛び回っていた1980年、大阪で見たことのない小さな車が目の前を走りました。追いかけて運転手に聞くと、イタリア製の1人乗りの「ミニカー」だと。存在感があって面白そうなので、すぐに仕入れて自分の店で売りました。 ところが、すぐに壊れ、お客さんが持ち込んできた。仕入れ先は夜逃げをして連絡が取れません。仕方なく自分たちで修理していると、仲間が「造りは単純だ。俺らでも造れるぜ」とつぶやきました。自動車は大メーカーしか造れないと思い込んでいましたが、そのひと言で目覚めました。朝から晩まで工場にこもり、ミニカー製造です。面白くて、他の仕事は手につかなくなりました。 82年に、ついに自分たちで開発したミニカーを発売しました。原付き免許で乗れる手軽さが受けて、売れ行きはうなぎ登り。ブームは全国に広がり、新工場を建てて「年1万台生産する」とぶち上げました。しかし、85年に道路交通法が改正されてミニカーの運転に普通免許が義務づけられると、販売は急減しました。 それでも諦めずに新型車を出すと、ある日、副社長だった妻に突然、「緊急役員会を開く」と呼ばれました。会議では、妻に「ミニカーの製造をやめてもらいます。それができないなら、社長を辞めていただきます」と告げられました。中古車販売の利益を食いつぶして開発に没頭する私に、妻が耐えられなくなったのです。「いつか再起できる」と言い聞かせ、その場で生産中止を決めました。目標がなくなり、しばらく抜け殻のような日々を送りました。霞が関通い【19年前】1993年、後に乗用車メーカー第1号車となる「ゼロワン」の試作車に乗る光岡氏 結局、(車をクラシック車風に造り替えた)レプリカ車を造るのに夢中になって立ち直りました。でも、レプリカ車を売るうちに、「自分たちで一から造った方がいい車を造れるはず」と思うようになりました。多くの車を車体から製造するには、国から自動車メーカーとしての認可を得なければなりません。「今度は自動車メーカーになって、光岡の名の入った車を造りたい」。そう思い、東京・霞が関の運輸省(現・国土交通省)を訪ねました。 官僚には「無理でしょう」と言われました。「田舎のおっさんが何を言っているんだ」という顔です。でも、どうすればメーカーになれるか尋ねても、はっきりした答えは返ってこない。メーカーになるための明確な基準がなかったのです。「基準もないのに、できないというのはおかしい」と何十回も霞が関に通いました。筋の通らないことが嫌いな性格もありましたが、メーカーになるのは夢そのものでした。何千という項目で資料を請求されましたが、諦めませんでした。 最初の運輸省訪問から4年後の96年、ついに国内で10番目の乗用車メーカーに認められました。最初に開発したスポーツカーは「ゼロワン」と名付けました。無から有になる。そんな意味を込めました。うれしくて、「ミツオカ」と社名が入った車検証は写真に撮って、年賀状にしましたよ,「タトゥーを入れようという人は、リスクがあることを知っておくこと。 大量生産をする力はありませんが、存在感のある車を造りたい。蛇のような外観のスーパーカー「オロチ」もその一つです。6年前に作った「造りたい車リスト」は遅れながらも、少しずつ実現しています。夢はまだ、続いています。(聞き手 小林泰明)◇(略歴) 1939年、富山市生まれ。57年、富山工高卒。日産自動車、日野自動車の販売会社を経て、68年に前身の光岡自動車工業を起こした,背が低くて太った警官は市民の目に触れちゃダメ。社長だった2002年、副社長の妻幸子さんとともに退任し、会長に就いた。現在の愛車は、自社の電気自動車「雷駆(らいく)」。常識にとらわれず自らの考えを貫く意味の「我流(がりゅう)人生」の言葉を好む。《こんな会社》 本社は富山市にあり、1968年に光岡自動車工業として創業した。79年に株式会社化し、96年にホンダ以来、32年ぶりとなる国内10番目の乗用車メーカーに認可された。「ビュート」、「ガリュー」など欧州車のデザインを採り入れたレトロ調の車が多く、これまでに開発した車は13車種、累計販売台数は約2万台。2010年にタイで現地生産を始めた。従業員数は約600人。(2012年10月15日読売新聞)


    ゆるキャラ“さかサイ君”がタイトーステーション柏店でアルバイト――柏市の震災風評被害払拭のためPRに貢献ファミ通,岡本さんは、ろうそくの火を見つめて被災者に思いをはせながら、「皆さんの温かい気持ちを勇気にかえて前に進んでいきたい」と話した.com ●それぞれが、できることを……! 千葉県柏市逆井商店会のキャラクター“さかサイ君”が、2013年3月11日、東日本大震災による柏市の風評被害払拭のPR費用を稼ぐべく、タイトーステーション柏店でアルバイトを行った。 “さかサイ君”は、逆井商店街の公式キャラクターで、2006年から街おこしの一貫で商店街の中で活動をしている。今回は、東日本大震災から2年目になってなお、放射能などによる風評に悩まされている柏市の現状改善に貢献するべく、“さかサイ君”が立ち上がった形だ。今回のタイトーステーション柏店でのさかサイ君のアルバイト料は、風評払拭のPR費用へ全額寄付される,「『あいつをやっちまえ。 気になるお仕事の内容は、16:00から忙しいクルーさんの代わりに、夏にプライズとして登場予定の“さかサイ君”マスコットのPRのお仕事をお手伝い。PRのお仕事のほかにも、お店にいた子供と遊んだり、クレーンゲームをプレイしたり。また、店内で実施をしているさかサイ君ぬりえを見学したり、空いている時間には通りがかりの学生から写真撮影を求められたりと大忙しで、当初は1時間の予定だったが、あっという間の2時間を過ごしていた。■プライズ情報さかサイ君マスコット:3種類登場時期:6月下旬 タイトーステーション限定【画像17点】「ゆるキャラ“さかサイ君”がタイトーステーション柏店でアルバイト――柏市の震災風評被害払拭のためPRに貢献」をファミ通.comで読む(※画像などが全てある完全版です)【アルバイト中の様子】


    乾は途中交代=ドイツ1部サッカー【ハノーバー(ドイツ)時事】サッカーのドイツ1部リーグは10日に行われ、酒井宏樹の所属するハノーバーはホームで乾貴士のフランクフルトと0―0で引き分けた,r4i そう腹をくくって、それまでは隣国とは互恵と相互尊重を唱えつつも譲らず、辛抱強くつきあうことが肝要だ。乾は先発し、試合終了間際に退いた,18554。酒井はベンチ入りしたが、出番がなかった。

    Monday, March 11, 2013

    フェンディ カメレオン

    Egypt's interior minister won't allow 'militias'Related Content
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    CAIRO (AP) — Egypt's interior minister on Sunday declared he would not allow vigilantes or militias to take over police duties, while admitting his police force has been strained by daily protests, clashes and criticism.

    Minister Mohammed Ibrahim was speaking a day after protesters rampaged through Cairo, furious over the acquittal of seven of nine police officers in a trial over soccer violence that left 74 people dead last year. Some 21 civilians received death sentences in the highly charged trial.

    Protesters torched a police club and the soccer federation headquarters Saturday. Hundreds of rioters battled police along the Nile river boulevard in an area packed with hotels and diplomatic missions,フェンディ カメレオン. Two people were killed. The clashes along the river continued Sunday.

    There were also limited protests in Port Said, the Suez Canal city where the soccer stadium riot erupted in February 2012. The city was the scene of bloody clashes with police in the past week. They stopped this weekend after police evacuated their headquarters and the military took over.

    The unrest coincides with an unprecedented wave of strikes by police over demands for better working conditions, as well as anger over alleged attempts by President Mohammed Morsi and his Muslim Brotherhood to take control of the police force.

    Ibrahim acknowledged that his force is under strain, but he insisted he will not allow vigilante groups to take over the duties of the force.

    "From the minister to the youngest recruit in the force, we will not accept to have militias in Egypt," Ibrahim said. "That will be only when we are totally dead, finished."

    His declaration followed a statement by a hard-line Islamist group that its members would take up policing duties in the southern province of Assiut because of strikes by local security forces,UGG ムートンブーツ 新作. Lawmakers have raised the possibility of legalizing private security companies, granting them the right to arrest and detain.

    "There are groups of policemen on strike. I understand them. They are protesting the pressure they are under, the attacks from the media," the minister said. "They work in hard conditions and exert everything they can and are not met with appreciation or thanks."

    Egypt's police and internal security forces are widely hated seen as a legacy of the rule of ousted President Hosni Mubarak, when they were notorious for abuses, torture and crackdowns on political opponents,DSTT, including the Brotherhood.

    Ibrahim said the strike is minor and is not affecting the capabilities of the force. Instead, dragging the police into the political dispute between the opposition and the ruling Islamists is exhausting the force, he said.

    "I only ask all (political) forces to leave the police out of the political equation and the conflict that is taking place," Ibrahim said.

    He said he is talking with the striking policemen, who, he said are demanding better armament.

    He dismissed charges that the Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood is dictating his ministry's policies.

    "There is no interference by anyone in the work of the ministry. Rest assured," he told reporters.

    He said "infiltrators" among the protesters target police with live ammunition, birdshot and firebombs, to draw the force into using violence,monclerアウトレット village green".

    In the country's Islamist-led Shura Council,グッチ裕三, the upper house of the legislature, members criticized the striking police, accusing them of dereliction of duty and allowing chaos to spread. One called for banning strikes by police, while another accused former regime officials of conspiring to undermine Morsi's rule and hold on power,フェンディ バッグ,6487.

    "We are facing a very tight conspiracy that aims to destroy any legitimacy," said Hassan Youssef Abdel-Ghaffour of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party.

    Egypt's new constitution granted the Shura council temporary power to legislate following a court order disbanding the more powerful lower house last year.

    Since late January, the country has been hit by relentless street protests, mainly directed against Morsi and the Brotherhood. The near-daily demonstrations have turned into clashes with police, and about 80 protesters have been killed since then.

    The political turmoil is deepened by a battered economy, as the government struggles with unemployment, poverty and dangerously shrinking foreign currency reserves. On Sunday, drivers of vans used for public transportation around Cairo went on strike because of rising prices of diesel fuel, briefly blocking main roads and causing huge traffic jams.

    On Sunday, the U.S. and Egypt signed a $190 million budget support agreement, pledged by U.S,17473. State Secretary John Kerry during his visit last week.

    U.S. Ambassador Anne W. Patterson called the grant, the first installment on a planned $450 million in budget support, as "a down payment on Egypt's promising future."

    Egypt has also been negotiating with the International monetary Fund for a $4.8 billion loan, but the talks have been delayed because of the political turmoil.

    Patterson said that as Egypt works with the IMF on a program for economic stability, "we will continue to be there, as friends, to support your efforts with additional assistance," according to a statement by the U.S. Embassy.

  • Wednesday, January 16, 2013

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    and then in January 11th, the "Catch Me109 - If you wanna - changing content, with the letter began - center" KEK before mu - mo.The tuna outside the hall has published the cover photo pictures were also used for content.Rice, want to get the hands.

    in addition, mobile phone version of the January 16th began with the letter.[] outside association reported a ◆ channel Asian artist TVXQ official website TVXQ, BIGBANG, KARA, SUPER of the show.New year's Eve "MBC songs Festival" in the National Theater broadcast TVXQ, new "I.V Know" Kansai TV, "Catherine Sans" Fuji ED song "Catch Me109" decided to TVXQ, If you - wanna - mu - Mo monopoly distribution
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    "Adult programs League >" superb crocodile grasp!?"Once in a lifetime can be used?How to
    WOWOW weekly Sunday afternoon outside the 11 existing types of entertainment groping experiment show "big union", opened.Different types of programs all 12 root, future formal program of gambling game.Each program broadcast in the web site statistics from the viewers vote 4 times group of formal rights can be obtained.League team, with, is the actor of Homo sapiens eight Mr. nakajima.Then, 8 sets of "Model Girls" beauty as the assistant, every luxury guest starred in the.13, grasp the method of broadcasting tenth bomb "clever crocodile!?"As the WOWOW arrangement of Mr. Toyoshima Toyo heard the charm.

    [pictures] "clever crocodile grasp!?"Other scenes
    Summary with the charm of

    "hub of the crowd surrounded also bite not method" and "Flamingo don't hurt the gentle handling method" and "not fire to boil water method" and "once cornered" time to protect (!?)Knowledge of the image information variety show."Once in a lifetime may How to" many attention please.
    What most attention when
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    describes material selection."Once in a lifetime may How to", so the utility, however, the fanatical balance most care use.Pinch, image of the things, Citigroup Boys you spit tank you choose such a thing.The dining room, the extensive knowledge processing.
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    "once in a lifetime may How to" image of the hard part.Props and experimental device used in the show is the program staff making.


    the image of the How to look, however, the outside of the city Boys we talk freely, while the controller How to many happy I think.In particular, 3 people consider "the fire can not make water boiling method" is a must.

    viewers a sentence, please.
    Protection of How
    "when program once cornered" to might know I will be very happy.But, once in a lifetime, is also a great possibility not in use.Then, from your How to too much praise to raise.

    WOWOW into Feng Daofeng

    *......"Adult programs alliance" broadcast, TV, the official website of the public vote, also become possible.Related articles] [TV question: adults show alliance "Charlie put" young fashion designer 2 combat TV question: melancholy adults show alliance "archaeologist Indiana, viewpoint of modern cultural heritage new reading questions like: TV program alliance" space-time advertising "Toyotomi Hideyoshi CM order. Modern the creator of TV questioned: adult programs against union" KAZEOKE "all the first-class creators considered" story "questions like: adult TV program alliance" entertainment University "first-class artist of entertainment on.
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    Sunday, January 13, 2013

    produced by the application of Passbook star

    New iPhone with "Passbook"?The corresponding business succession
    the United States Apple Corp "iPhone (iPhone)" the latest version is loaded with new function "Passbook (pass book)".Take the ticket and store coupons, integral cards, are iPhone summarize the features, in the domestic counterparts enterprises have also occurred.IPhone "cartridge", full wallet and farewell.(produced by the application of Passbook star)?Passbook plural coupons, login, a screen conversion can use.The store's actual use, the coupon, said the picture display, clerk or bar code reading enough.If you just want to sum up, Connecticut no advantage, but only a paper ticket, more than Passbook convenient point of the other 2.First, tickets and use the card scene the words, will automatically iPhone picture is represented.Boarding pass and ticket, take and release time approaching notice.Coupons and integral card, the store near the time display.Purse from the depths to find is time.Secondly, ticket and card change would be automatically updated.The plane was delayed boarding time changed, store coupons valid deadline passed, this time also Passbook management then, immediately.< page 123 page >
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    one of 4 kinds of models of the class E bonus decoration world.

    Detroit auto show [] 13 Benz E level improved, new front...4 kinds of models of the World Award
    in January 14th, in the United States the opening of the Detroit motor show 13.Mercedes Benz booth, "E" improved model model pushed in front of the exhibition.

    picture: Benz E level improved model

    it is January 8th, Daimler said.The Detroit auto show in 13, one of 4 kinds of models of the class E bonus decoration world.

    the 4, "E level car", "E", "E wagon car", "" E cabrio.All service stations take on an altogether new aspect mask.Interior updates and safety equipment to enrich, improve environmental performance can also be arranged.

    the E class car world total sales, about 11250000, township of about 1180000, about 370000 convertible car, about 100000 units.Published 2009 the current type, car is about 600000, about 100000 of the sales of villages and towns.

    Daimler Mercedes Benz sedan sector, Joachim · Schmidt sales and marketing director, "E level, this demand is exuberant departments continue to lead".

    "Nim" [Sen threat response Association report] [Detroit auto show 13] Benz E 63 AMG, greatly improved...557 PS twin turbo + 4 Ma Internet BMW M6 Gran coupe published...560 PS, the high speed of 305 km / hour Audi A6 model the strongest RS 6...V8 twin turbo in 560 PS [12] Paris auto show Lexus, drop size hybrid input...GS loading or [] Lexus GS hybrid Audi A6 published nor defeat price competitiveness
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    "Apple is the best gift."
    the United States Apple Corp in 5, common entrepreneur Steve · Jobs's death a year, Apple Corp itself says "Steve stump on the world's best gift." Tim Cook's top management responsibility (CEO) statement, the company website published.Website, Bach Cello Suites investigation. "IPhone (iPhone)" and "iMac (Ai Macdonald)" and other products to introduce his figure Jobs and voices.Literature, philosophy, history, technology is the "heart and consequences as" the voice of Jobs, memorial declaration.Statement of Mr. Cook "is a year before Steve's death is very sad and painful things."The future, "his inheritance."Expressed their determination.(common)
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    96 time&quot

    NMB48 door and Kishi No, the giant "relief activities but clothes" proposal
    comedian oar giant and AKB48 sisters NMB48 door rib Jia Naizi and Kishino Rika 10, · in Osaka; South Beach Plaza flowers before the film holding "96 time" public memorial at.

    [expansion] portraits and other portraits

    the heroine works "the best father" Brian · the role of Mills, so in the physical ability and strict in Kansai "the strongest voice of the highest" artist of all giants, Kansai's "strongest" as an icon of popular NMB48, Kana Ko and Kishi No Shannon debut in flank.Gathered in the crowd of 500, was filled with.

    father perspective film paddle to giant, "his love and touch sensation movie".The so-called "daughter in order to protect the desperate father is very handsome!To travel, so father together.Rest assured "the Brian's daughter · gold line of sight in the same work, is to promote the shore wild" first daughter and mother with help!I think so.Daddy, to overthrow the expected strategic trance!"And "the strongest father" on the shelf.

    the same work, so in 96 hours and 3 limited.Mutual understanding and writing started, was full of "giant entertainment industry to residues from the proposal" etiquette "and don't forget gratitude, but clothes salvage activity spring test pencil, disclosed a!".On the other hand, door rib and written by Kishi No is "the best father a giant requirements".Door sash drama Brian and gold mobile phone side exchange crisis through down things on the "exchange of mobile phone number, hope", comedian contest, R-1 approximately 1 second battle line is not perfect.Kishi No is "how to R - 1 victory residual れ?? "and write, the giant you it all.

    [navigation (related news] banquet warm!"NMB48 nyannyan a NMB48 VS" animation open Yamamoto Aya Watanabe Miyuki portrait set battle, 30000 sales director Watanabe!NMB48 Kinoshita flowers "metamorphosis king" Declaration of Osaka "!? ONE PIECE show" NMB48 portrait set battle squadron at the color tears! "Sexy can't win......"NMB48 Yamamoto Aya, the 12 people such as Watanabe Miyuki a "nyannyan" dating!
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    The sun Theatre "Michael · Jackson, test have center suitable for World Tour >, landing in Japan
    the sun Theatre "Michael · Jackson, test have suitable for World Travel Center", to May 9, 2013 (wood) than the Japanese landing.

    in < Michael · Jackson, test have center suitable for world tour image

    the concert also circus is not completely new show, Michael hit the many creative acrobatics performance, the troupe of the highest peaks in the world of entertainment "Michael · Jackson, test have center suitable for world tour".Circus and the dance, is not only a live performance, luxury stage magnificent stage, 3D printing and LED using a colorful costumes, and then touching story, no charm full performance.The show's Cirque de Soleil collaboration for Michael and, his music, human nature is touched by the sun's love and the realization of the project.

    show is usually used in the music of Michael, but the mushroom was improved new version.Musical instruments and vocals each truck is disintegrated, other songs with new song mushroom were improved, new pleasantly surprised and touched.The sun theatre performance test center just to make have suitable for mushroom improve music, album "test have center suitable for" release of terror, more "terrorist", young when Michael's voice and Piano "test, suitable for have,", from the known side the song bad via a guitar solo. "Tonight beet · Victor", which the truck will listen.Read performance. Of course, public preview also somebody want to single wait person must also check.

    < Michael · Jackson, test have center method suitable for have suitable for have in Japan. "
    · Saitama Premiere May 9th (wood) to May 12th (day 6) the premiere Venue: Saitama arena / supermarket
    , Yokohama May 16th (wood) to May 19th (day 6) the premiere / Venue: Yokohama Coliseum
    · Nagoya May 23rd (wood) to May 26th (day 6) the premiere venue / Nagoya: Japan NGK Hall
    · Fukuoka May 30th (wood) to June 2nd (day 6) the premiere Venue: Fukuoka / Marinemesse
    , Osaka June 6th (wood) to June 16th (day 12) the premiere / Venue: Osaka City Hall
    enterprise recruitment: Fuji TV station
    Special Sponsorship: Daihatsu [] Association reported the test have center official website suitable for · Michael · Jackson's jacket, Adam · an inspiration?Special editing program "Michael Jackson BAD everything", December 28th (gold) NHK Japan's first open Michael Jackson aides, tour arranged people tell of Michael Jackson and Whitney · · Houston, the first generation of "R& B hall" to enter the
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    Monday, January 7, 2013

    東京株、終値は121円安の大幅反落 日銀追加緩和で値動き急も上げ材料にはならず

    東京株、終値は121円安の大幅反落 日銀追加緩和で値動き急も上げ材料にはならず
    20日の東京株式市場は大幅反落した。日経平均株価の終値は、前日比121円07銭安の1万0039円33銭。 午後の取引再開後に発表された日銀の追加金融緩和の情報を受けて、取引は30分間ほど100円以上の値幅で目まぐるしく値動きしたが、決定的な材料にはならなかったもようだ。 日経平均株価で237円高となった前日の株価大幅上昇の反動で、この日の取引は利益確定売りが優勢となった。前日の米国株安もあり、終日軟調に終わった。終盤には1万0028円まで下げる場面もあった。 東証株価指数(TOPIX)の終値は、前日比0.73ポイント安の838.61。出来高は概算で37億4349万株。売買代金は2兆856億円まで膨らんだ。東証1部銘柄の騰落は値上がり752、値下がり801、変わらず144。 売買代金の首位は三菱UFJで800億円近くまで売買された。野村HD、みずほFGが500億円超。トヨタ自動車、シャープ、三井住友FG、日産自動車が400億円を超えた。このうち値下がりはシャープと日産だけ。 前日、人気ソフトの次回作発売延期とそれによる業績の大幅下方修正を発表したカプコンは、終値も11.9%下げ、東証1部で終日、値下がり率1位だった。
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    [橘十徳,ITmedia]【関連記事】 ARモンスターを撃ちまくれ! タカラトミーアーツ「モンスターシューティングリアル」 あれば安心、緊急地震速報/緊急警報放送を受信できる防災ラジオライト「グラピカ」 疲れた肩や腰をさすりまくれ! パナソニック「サスリバイブ」 塩と水で発電するLEDランタン「GH-LED10WB」
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    BARKS2013新春お年玉特大企画 すたーふらわー

    小林星蘭と谷花音の小学生ユニット・すたーふらわー。星蘭と花音で、すたーふらわー。お星さまとお花で、すたーふらわー。カードの絵はそういうことなんですね。可愛らしい。そういえば昨年<お台場合衆国presentsキラキラWINTER LAND>クリスマスツリー点灯式での天使姿も可愛らしかったです。

    ふたりとも超人気子役だけに、2013年も歌にお芝居にと大活躍してくれることでしょう。なお、シングル「White Love」(SPEEDのカバー)は好評発売中。



    応募は下記プレゼントページより受け付けています。必ずご希望のアーティスト名をひとつ明記の上、ご応募ください。応募に制限は設けませんが、複数応募しても当選確率は変わりません。【関連記事】 ◆「BARKS2013新春お年玉特大企画」直筆メッセージカード・プレゼント応募ページ BARKS2013新春お年玉特大企画 メッセージカード特集ページ 年末のお台場に天使が舞い降りた。小林星蘭と谷花音のすたーふらわー 人気子役・小林星蘭と谷花音のすたーふらわー、かわいい歌声を初お披露目 人気子役・小林星蘭と谷花音が、花の小2ユニット・すたーふらわーを結成
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     反発。三菱UFJモルガン・スタンレー証券(MUMSS)は同社の株価判断「Neutral」を継続し、目標株価は従来の700円を950円に引き上げた。決算取材や業界環境などを考慮して、同社に対する見方をアップデート、今回、MUMSS業績予想の変更はないという。ほぼ想定通りではあるものの、主力の中小型トラクターの需要が、特に、北米、アジアで堅調に推移、収益環境は好転してきているそうだ。14年3月期については、一過的費用の減少などもあり、2桁増益となる見方を継続するという。(編集担当:佐藤弘)【関連記事】 大納会:アベノミクス期待、海外投資家は6週連続買い越し 銘柄パトロール:野村HD、ファナック、東海運、日本カーバイド、第一生命など 前引け市況:大納会に日経平均が年初来高値を更新 28日の相場見通し 日経平均は4日続伸し、年初来高値を連日で更新する公算 12月27日レーティング情報:野村證券
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     こうした中、学生ら約500人が市内の大学から、女子学生がバスに乗ったバス停まで、静かな「沈黙の行進」をした。学生たちはレイプ犯への罰則強化や警察トップの更迭を訴えた。各地での抗議集会では、市民がろうそくに火をともし女子学生の冥福を祈った。【関連記事】 性的関係結んだ容疑者女性の写真流出 “セックススキャンダル”揺れる韓国検察 台湾の美人女優らを次々レイプ 色魔の富豪御曹司に求刑209年 レイプ多発、不十分な捜査、処罰少なく インド怒りの抗議多発 【今、何が問題なのか】インド北部のレイプ事件 韓国紙「日本女性が韓流タレントの性処理係に」との証言掲載
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    Saturday, January 5, 2013

    Information from

    Police: Wrong-way driver went 18 miles on Pa. road

    DUNMORE, Pa. (AP) — Police say a wrong-way driver ended up going 18 miles on an interstate in northeastern Pennsylvania.

    The Times-Leader of Wilkes-Barre reports ( ) police say traffic was light when it happened around 5:30 a.m. on New Year's Day, and no one was hurt. Police responded after getting calls about a vehicle going at high speeds the wrong direction on Interstate 81 north.

    Troopers say they tried unsuccessfully to get the driver's attention using emergency lights and a spot light. Authorities say she was eventually stopped using a roadblock in Laflin, about 18 miles from where she started in Dickson City.

    Police identified the driver as 22-year-old Albrightsville resident Paige Cicardo. She's been arrested for suspicion of driving under the influence and reckless endangerment. A telephone listing for her could not immediately found.


    Information from: Times Leader,

    Munich Re estimated insured losses from Sandy at $25 billion and total losses at $50 billion

    Superstorm Sandy tops 2012 insurance claims

    BERLIN (AP) — Natural disasters cost insurers $65 billion last year, with the United States accounting for nine-tenths of the bill and Superstorm Sandy prompting payouts of $25 billion, a leading insurance company said Thursday.

    However, Munich Re AG said that the total insured losses worldwide were down from a record $119 billion in 2011, when devastating earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand cost the industry dear.

    The company said total economic costs in 2012 from natural disasters worldwide — including uninsured losses — amounted to $160 billion, compared with the previous year's $400 billion.

    Sandy, which battered eastern coastline areas at the end of October, killed at least 125 people in the United States and 71 people in the Caribbean. New York, New Jersey and Connecticut were the hardest-hit U.S. states.

    Munich Re estimated insured losses from Sandy at $25 billion and total losses at $50 billion, though it cautioned that the figures are "still subject to considerable uncertainty." That made it the year's most costly disaster — but several other events in the U.S. meant that the country accounted for 90 percent of insured costs and 67 percent of overall losses, the company said.

    Over the past decade the well-insured U.S. on average accounted for 57 percent of insured losses and 32 percent of overall costs every year.

    The lengthy drought that seared swathes of the United States last summer produced 2012's second-biggest insurance bill. Munich Re said the insured losses, being picked up by a public-private crop insurance program, totaled between $15 billion and $17 billion — most of the $20 billion worth of overall crop losses.

    That was the biggest loss in U.S. agricultural insurance history, comparing with average insured losses of about $9 billion a year, Munich Re said.

    Severe storms and tornadoes in March, late April, June and July completed Munich Re's list of the five costliest disasters for insurers in 2012, each costing $2.5 billion.

    Back-to-back earthquakes in northern Italy last May caused total losses of $16 billion, but only one-tenth of that was covered by insurance. Deadly flooding in China in July caused damage worth $8 billion, but only a small fraction of that — $180 million — was insured.

    Munich Re board member Torsten Jeworrek said in a statement that last year's heavy losses from weather-related disasters in the U.S. "showed that greater loss-prevention efforts are needed."

    "It would certainly be possible to protect conurbations like New York better from the effects of storm surges," he added, without specifying how. "Such action would make economic sense and insurers could also reflect the reduced exposure in their pricing."

    The head of the company's risk research unit, Peter Hoeppe, said that while it isn't possible to attribute any single event to climate change, studies suggest that Sandy and the drought are "the type of events we can expect to contend with more often in the future."

    Munich Re's main business is reinsurance, which means offering backup policies to companies that write primary insurance policies. Reinsurance helps spread risk so that the system can handle large losses from natural disasters.

    insisted the project would devastate the pristine area. The bill ultimately died in the Senate.

    Wis. GOP promises mining reform will be first bill

    MADISON, Wis. (AP) -- State Assembly Republican leaders say the first bill they'll introduce this session will reform Wisconsin's mining laws.

    Speaker Robin Vos and Majority Leader Scott Suder released a statement Wednesday calling the bill a top priority. They said the measure will help bring thousands of jobs to the state but didn't offer any details on what changes the bill might make.

    The statement comes on the same day Republic Gov. Scott Walker was scheduled to visit businesses around the state highlighting the importance of mining.

    Republicans pushed a mining reform bill during the last session to help Gogebic Taconite open an iron mine near Lake Superior. The company promised the mine would create 700 jobs.

    Environmentalists, though, insisted the project would devastate the pristine area. The bill ultimately died in the Senate.

    Friday, January 4, 2013

    but the government has promised to resubmit the law in a slightly different form soon.

    Putin grants Depardieu Russian citizenship

    MOSCOW (AP) — Gerard Depardieu, the French actor who has been sparring with his native country over taxes, has been granted Russian citizenship.

    A brief announcement on the Kremlin website said President Vladimir Putin signed the citizenship grant on Thursday.

    Depardieu is angered by French President Francois Hollande's attempt to raise taxes on the mega-rich to 75 percent. Russia has a flat income tax of 13 percent.

    A representative for Depardieu declined to say whether he had accepted the offer and refused all comment.

    Depardieu has made more than 150 films, among them the 1991 comedy "Green Card" about a man who enters into a marriage of convenience in order to get U.S. residency.

    Depardieu said in an open letter published in mid-December that he would turn over his passport and French social security card.

    Hollande wants to tax incomes of the ultra-rich at 75 percent to reduce the debt and deficit, and Depardieu's subsequent decision to move to tax-friendly Belgium was slammed by Hollande's government.

    "I'm a true European, a citizen of the world," Depardieu wrote in the letter.

    The tax on millionaires was struck down by France's highest court Dec. 29, but the government has promised to resubmit the law in a slightly different form soon.

    Depardieu was nominated for an Academy Award for his role as Cyrano de Bergerac in the 1990 film by the same name.

    He's well known in Russia, where he appears in an ad for Sovietsky Bank's credit card and is prominently featured on the bank's home page.

    France's Civil Code says one must have another nationality in order to give up French citizenship because it is forbidden to be stateless. Thursday's decision by the Kremlin appears to fulfill that requirement.

    Sri Lankan chief justice impeachment illegal

    Sri Lankan chief justice impeachment illegal: Supreme Court
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    Vijitha Herath (front) of the People's…

    COLOMBO (Reuters) - Sri Lanka's Supreme Court said on Thursday parliament does not have the legal authority to investigate accusations of misconduct against senior judges and an impeachment proceeding against the chief justice was against the law.

    The government and Supreme Court have been at loggerheads since President Mahinda Rajapaksa's ruling party filed an impeachment motion against Shirani Bandaranayake, Sri Lanka's first female head of the Supreme Court, on November 6.

    The government complained that she had been overstepping her authority but Bandaranayake's supporters complained of political interference in the judiciary. The case has raised international concern about the independence of the judiciary.

    A parliamentary impeachment committee last month found Bandaranayake guilty on counts of financial irregularities, conflict of interest and failure to declare her assets.

    But the Supreme Court said investigations into any misbehavior by senior judges including the chief justice should be conducted by a judicial body.

    "Therefore, in our opinion, it is mandatory for parliament to provide by law the body competent to conduct the investigation," the court said in a 27-page ruling, which was read out in a lower court.

    Government Spokesman Keheliya Rambukwelle declined to comment on the ruling saying the speaker of parliament would decide on the latest move by the judiciary.

    Parliament had scheduled to debate the impeachment on Bandaranayake next week, before a vote which the government, with a majority in the assembly, would be bound to win.

    The Supreme Court's ruling backs up a decision by an appeal court's which last month blocked parliament from voting to impeach Bandaranayake, the country's first woman chief justice.

    The United States, the United Nations and the Commonwealth have raised concerns about the impeachment and called on Rajapaksa to ensure the independence of the judiciary.

    The parliamentary panel which found Bandaranayake guilty was appointed by Speaker Chamal Rajapaksa, the elder brother of the president.

    The accusations against Bandaranayake arose after she ruled against a bill, submitted by the president's younger brother, Basil Rajapaksa, proposing an 80-billion rupee ($614 million) development budget which she said had to be approved by nine provincial councils.

    (Writing by Shihar Aneez; Editing by Robert Birsel)

  • " the statement said. "His death is a terrible tragedy

    Son of LA Clippers owner found dead in Malibu
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    This image provided by the California…

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    FILE - This Jan. 9, 2008 file photo…

    LOS ANGELES (AP) — The son of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling was found dead of an apparent drug overdose at his Malibu home, authorities said Wednesday.

    The body of 32-year-old Scott Ashley Sterling was found shortly after 11:30 p.m. Tuesday, Los Angeles County coroner's Lt. Larry Dietz said.

    The 77-year-old Donald Sterling, a billionaire real estate mogul who purchased the team in 1981, and wife Shelley released a statement thanking friends for sympathy, asking for privacy and saying their son was diabetic, but did not indicate what role, if any, that may have played in his death.

    "Our son Scott has fought a long and valiant battle against Type 1 Diabetes," the statement said. "His death is a terrible tragedy, the effects of which will be felt forever by our family and all those who knew and loved him."

    The death cast a pall on what has been a joyous season for the Clippers, normally an NBA doormat but now among the league's best teams. The team is in first place in its division and had a franchise-record 17-game winning streak that was snapped Tuesday night.

    The Clippers were at Golden State on Wednesday night.

    "All our thoughts and prayers go out to the Sterling family," coach Vinny Del Negro said. "Tough day for everybody in the Clippers' organization, but just thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Sterling with their loss. That's first and foremost on everybody's mind today when we had our meeting this morning. Not an easy situation. I just hope they know that we're thinking about them and that the team is, and we'll be back soon. Things like this put things in perspective real quick. I know a lot of good thoughts and prayers are in that locker room with them tonight. That's the first and foremost thing."

    Team President Andy Roeser issued a statement saying "Scott was a friend to many in the Clippers' family and he will be greatly missed."

    NBA Commissioner David Stern also expressed sympathies to the Sterlings.

    "On behalf of the NBA family, we extend our deepest and most heartfelt condolences to Donald and Shelly Sterling on the loss of their son, Scott," Stern said.

    The death at a beachfront apartment building on Pacific Coast Highway was discovered after a friend of Scott Sterling called police after not hearing from him for several days, according to a statement from the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. Deputies found the body and paramedics pronounced him dead at the scene.

    "Sheriff's homicide and Los Angeles County coroner's personnel at this time believe that Sterling died of an apparent drug overdose," the statement said.

    Dietz said the death appeared to be accidental, but an autopsy was planned to determine the exact cause of death.

    In 1999, the then-19-year-old Sterling was arrested for shooting his friend with a shotgun. Beverly Hills police said Philip Scheid was shot in the legs during an argument at Donald Sterling's mansion.

    Scheid said he was shot from behind while running away. Sterling said he fired in self-defense after Scheid approached him with a knife. The county district attorney's office declined to file criminal charges, citing credibility problems with the victim.


    AP Sports Writer Antonio Gonzalez in Oakland, Calif., contributed to this report.

  • s wife gave birth

    Is Kim Jong Un a father? Speculation in Seoul that North Korean leader's wife gave birth

    SEOUL, South Korea - The seemingly pregnant belly sported by the wife of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in mid-December appeared to be gone by New Year's Day.

    That's sent South Korean media into a frenzy of speculation that there's a new baby in the ruling Kim dynasty.

    Video broadcast Dec. 17 showed Ri Sol Ju wearing a billowing black dress that covered what appeared to be a swollen belly.

    Rumours swept Seoul and Pyongyang that she was pregnant, although it was difficult to tell for sure from the images. There has been no official word from Pyongyang.

    But Ri was shown by state TV at a New Year's concert wearing a tighter dress and looking noticeably slimmer. That's causing more speculation in Seoul that she may have given birth.

    people feared that if you defy the church

    New law points to Philippine church's waning sway
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    MANILA, Philippines (AP) — Twenty-six years after Roman Catholic leaders helped his mother marshal millions of Filipinos in an uprising that ousted a dictator, President Benigno Aquino III picked a fight with the church over contraceptives and won a victory that bared the bishops' worst nightmare: They no longer sway the masses.

    Aquino last month signed the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012 quietly and without customary handshakes and photographs to avoid controversy. The law that provides state funding for contraceptives for the poor pitted the dominant Catholic Church in an epic battle against the popular Aquino and his followers.

    A couple with links to the church filed a motion Wednesday to stop implementation of the law, and more petitions are expected. Still, there is no denying that Aquino's approval of the legislation has chipped away at the clout the church has held over Filipinos, and marked the passing of an era in which it was taboo to defy the church and priests.

    Catholic leaders consider the law an attack on the church's core values — the sanctity of life — saying that contraceptives promote promiscuity and destroy life. Aquino and his allies see the legislation as a way to address how the poor — roughly a third of the country's 94 million people — manage the number of children they have and provide for them. Nearly half of all pregnancies in the Philippines are unwanted, according to the U.N. Population Fund, and a third of those end up aborted in a country where abortion remains illegal.

    Rampant poverty, overcrowded slums, and rising homelessness and crime are main concerns that neither the church nor Aquino's predecessors have successfully tackled.

    "If the church can provide milk, diapers and rice, then go ahead, let's make more babies," said Giselle Labadan, a 30-year-old roadside vendor. "But there are just too many people now, too many homeless people, and the church doesn't help to feed them."

    Labadan said she grew up in a God-fearing family but has defied the church's position against contraceptives for more than a decade because her five children, age 2 to 12, were already far too many for her meager income. Her husband, a former army soldier, is jobless.

    She said that even though she has used most types of contraceptives, she still considers herself among the faithful. "I still go to church and pray. It's a part of my life," Labadan said.

    "I have prayed before not to have another child, but the condom worked better," she said.

    The law now faces a legal challenge in the Supreme Court after the couple filed the motion, which seems to cover more ideological than legal grounds. One of the authors of the law, Rep. Edcel Lagman, said Thursday that he was not worried by the petition and expected more to follow.

    "We are prepared for this," he said. "We are certain that the law is completely constitutional and will surmount any attack on or test of its constitutionality."

    Over the decades, moral and political authority of the church in the Philippines is perceived to have waned with the passing of one its icons, Cardinal Jaime Sin. He shaped the role of the church during the country's darkest hours after dictator Ferdinand Marcos imposed martial law starting in 1972 by championing the cause of civil advocacy, human rights and freedoms. Sin's action mirrored that of his strong backer, Pope John Paul II, who himself challenged communist rulers in Eastern Europe.

    Three years after Aquino's father, Benigno Aquino Sr., a senator opposing Marcos, was gunned down on the Manila airport tarmac in 1983, Sin persuaded Aquino's widow, Corazon, to run for president. When massive election cheating by Marcos was exposed, Sin went on Catholic-run Radio Veritas in February 1986 to summon millions of people to support military defectors and the Aquino-led opposition. Marcos fled and Aquino, a deeply religious woman, was sworn in as president.

    Democracy was restored, but the country remained chaotic and mired in nearly a dozen coup attempts. The economy stalled, poverty persisted and the jobless were leaving in droves for better-paying jobs abroad as maids, teachers, nurses and engineers. After Aquino stepped down, the country elected its first and only Protestant president, Fidel Ramos. He, too, opposed the church on contraceptives and released state funds for family planning methods.

    Catholic bishops pulled out all the stops in campaigning against Ramos' successor, popular movie actor Joseph Estrada, a hero of the impoverished masses who made little attempt to keep down his reputation for womanizing, drinking and gambling.

    But few heeded the church's advice. Estrada was elected with the largest victory margin in Philippine history. Halfway through his six-year presidency, in January 2001, he was confronted with another "people power" revolt, backed by political opponents and the military, and was forced to resign.

    His successor, Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, styled herself as a devout Catholic and sought to placate the church by abolishing the death penalty and putting brakes on the contraceptives law, which languished in Congress during her nine years in power.

    It mattered little. Arroyo's mismanagement and corruption scandals set the stage for Aquino's election on a promise to rid the Philippines of graft, fix the economy and lift millions out of poverty. The scion of the country's democracy icon took power several years after Sin's death, but it was a different era in which the church was battered by scandals of sexual misconduct of priests and declining family values.

    The latest defeat of the church "can further weaken its moral authority at a time when this is most badly needed in many areas, including defense of a whole range of family values," said the Rev. John J. Carroll, founding chairman of the Jesuit-run John J. Carroll Institute on Church and Social Issues. He said he wondered how many Catholics have been "turned off" by incessant sermons and prayers led by the church against the contraceptives law, and how much it contributed to rising anticlericalism and the erosion of church authority.

    "People today are more practical," said Labadan, the street vendor. "In the old days, people feared that if you defy the church, it will be the end of the world."


    Associated Press writers Jim Gomez and Teresa Cerojano contributed to this report.