Wednesday, January 16, 2013

1 months answer Hikone cat New Year cake

Relaxation role for the first time in history!"Shenzhou GIRAFFE" into the Shochiku Studio Art
relaxation role of East Osaka City stone to visit the shopping street, from the beginning of this year the Shochiku studio art belongs to actor "Shenzhou GIRAFFE" 11 days in Osaka City, the company was awarded the certificate.The relaxation role for the first time in the history of literature and art is a professional.

Osaka goodwill ambassador also served as China's giraffe certificate was awarded the joy.Relaxation role in Warring States period known as the "lovely, just not born or residual terms.Art form loose bamboo can come.Predecessors Mr. Xiaofutingheping vision.Who wants to be loved "ambition.R - 1 very unhappy, relaxation role history for the first time to participate in, which has been a breakthrough in the 1 world war."Final goal".Related articles] [National relaxation role, "said Mr. rehabilitation division" the Division said Mr. "laboratory" one day the director, 110 heuristic bear beast, the national 4 City fans thank offerings Hikone cat 10000 letter of greeting cards, 1 months answer Hikone cat New Year cake, but fourth times breath just
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