Monday, March 18, 2013

Bersani succeeded in getting his candidates elected as speakers of the lower house and Senate

Italian president urges unity as poll pressure grows

militants to withdraw from Turkey to their bases in northern Iraq.

Jailed Kurdish rebel to make "historic call" in Turkey peace process
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    ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Jailed Kurdish rebel leader Abdullah Ocalan said he would make a "historic call" on Thursday, raising expectations of ceasefire that could help end a 28-year-old conflict which has riven Turkey, killing some 40,000 people, and battered its economy.

    Kurdish Peace and Democracy Party (BDP) leader Selahattin Demirtas, a member of parliament, conveyed Ocalan's statement on his return to Istanbul from a visit to his prison on the island of Imrali.

    "We want to solve the arms problem rapidly and without losing time or another life," Ocalan said in calling for the support of parliament and political parties to achieve a lasting peace.

    The PKK is considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union as well as Turkey. But Ankara opened talks with Ocalan last October in an effort to end the conflict after a summer of rising guerrilla violence and large scale arrests of Kurdish activists.

    A ceasefire call, coinciding with the Kurdish new year, could be accompanied by a command to his Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) militants to withdraw from Turkey to their bases in northern Iraq.

    "The statement I am preparing will be a historic call. It will contain satisfying information on the military and political dimensions of a solution," Ocalan said.

    Ocalan began talks with state officials last October last year. Truces have been agreed and failed before in the war, but this is the first time Ocalan and a Turkish prime minister have openly spoken of talks on a comprehensive settlement.

    Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has made a number of concessions on cultural and language rights as part of his efforts to bring a settlement.

    The PKK had originally demanded full independence for a Kurdish state in southeastern Turkey, but has moderated its goals to broader political and cultural autonomy.

    (Edited by Ralph Boulton)

    (Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Louise Ireland)

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    Cyprus deposit tax rattles markets

    LONDON (AP) — Stocks around the world fell sharply Monday as investors fretted over a weekend plan to tax depositors in Cypriot banks as part of a bailout of the Mediterranean island nation.

    Though Cyprus accounts for only around 0.2 percent of the combined output of the 17 European Union countries that use the euro, the tax on depositors has stoked fears of bank runs in other troubled European economies.

    Since the European debt crisis began in late 2009, savers have been spared. The bailout of Cyprus, agreed to early Saturday, foresees a 6.75 percent levy on deposits below €100,000 ($130,860) rising to 9.9 percent on those above.

    "In the medium term the decision taken regarding the loss on bank deposits could have major ramifications for the eurozone if the European debt crisis re-escalates," said Gary Jenkins, managing director of Swordfish Research. "What I find most surprising is that they are prepared to take such a major gamble to save such a small amount of money."

    In Europe, the FTSE 100 index of leading British shares was down 0.8 percent at 6,439 while Germany's DAX fell 1.1 percent to 7,954. The CAC-40 in France was 1.3 percent lower at 7,945. Cyprus' stock exchange is closed for a bank holiday.

    The euro was taking a pounding too, down 0.7 percent at $1.2954.

    People in Cyprus have reacted with fury to the news and the country's new president is apparently working out a new plan to be put to Parliament that will limit the hit on small depositors. Parliament is due to vote on the bailout later. If it backs the levy, then Cyprus would be eligible for a €10 billion ($13 billion) financial rescue from its partners in the eurozone and the International Monetary Fund.

    German finance minister Wolfgang Schaeuble said Sunday that a no vote by Cypriot lawmakers would have huge repercussions in the country.

    "Then the Cypriot banks will no longer be solvent, and Cyprus will be in a very difficult situation," said Schaeuble, who insisted that every country involved in Europe's debt crisis is different. In the case of Cyprus, he said bank owners and investors had to participate in the rescue.

    "It can't be done any other way if we want to avoid insolvency," he said.

    Cyprus' banking sector is about eight times the size of the economy and has been accused of being a hub for money-laundering, particularly from Russia. That's why many European officials wanted to have the banks' depositors involved in the cost of the bailout.

    "If European policymakers were looking for a way to undermine the public trust that underpins the foundation of any banking system they could not have done a better job," said Michael Hewson, senior market analyst at CMC Markets.

    In Asia, Japan's Nikkei 225 index slid 2.7 percent to 12,220.63, while Hong Kong's Hang Seng dropped 2 percent to 22,082.83.

    Wall Street was headed for a retreat at the open too, with Dow futures down 0.5 percent and the broader S&P 500 futures 0.8 percent lower.

    Oil prices were under pressure, with the benchmark New York rate 94 cents lower at $92.51 a barrel.


    Geir Moulson in Berlin contributed to this report.

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     一方、BRN側が交渉に応じた背景として、消息筋は「多くの武装組織によるテロが頻発する中で、BRNの存在感が薄れ、政府から利権を確保するという狙いがある」と分析する,R4i GOLD PLUS ちんじゅかん

     武装組織のメンバーの一部はマレーシアに逃げ込んでおり、署名したBRN幹部自身もマレーシアに足場を置いているという。こうした状況を改善し、タイとの経済流通ルートの安定を確保するためにも、マレーシアは仲介に入ったとみられる。【関連記事】 タイ南部で爆発、3人死亡 イスラム武装勢力か 武装グループ、軍の基地を襲撃 銃撃戦で17人死亡 タイ 居座るイスラム教徒、苦慮する比・マレーシア-北ボルネオ問題膠着 アルジェリア人質事件で追悼式開催 イスラム勢力が犯行認める ナイジェリアの外国人誘拐 中国にノーベル賞は無理?